
Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Yellow Line Service Follow Up: Alternative Service Options

Several Alternative Travel Options Available While Yellow Line Service is Suspended

Need help navigating your options? Check out:

YELLOW LINE PASSENGERS: As you may recall, back in March the WMATA announced they are suspending Yellow Line service across the Potomac between Pentagon and L’Enfant stations for eight months, starting Sept. 10th, 2022. You can see my blog post about it here: Yellow Line Service Disruptions. As promised, I wanted to provide you with information for alternative service options while the Yellow Line is suspended.

WMATA is providing several travel alternatives over the next eight months. This includes free shuttle bus service, alternative rail routes, free passage on the Virginia Railway Express (VRE), and Northern Virginia supplemental services from DASH, OmniRide, and Fairfax Connector. Riders can plan ahead by visiting the project’s Service Impacts and Travel Alternatives information webpage now.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Weekly Column: Working for a Safer, More Efficient Transportation System

The following is my column that will appear in this week's Mt. Vernon Gazette in the week of August 1, 2022.   

Working for a Safer, More Efficient Transportation System

This is an update on several important transportation projects underway in our area, including the U.S. 1 Speed Study, undergrounding utilities on U.S. 1, the I-495 Southside Express Lanes Study, and the Youngkin Administration’s reallocation of transit funds.

Since 2017, we have seen the following on U.S. 1 in Fairfax County:

  • 1,785 crashes
  • 1,185 injuries
  • 15 deaths

The per-lane-miles-travelled accident rate between Fort Belvoir and Hybla Valley is 70% higher than the Virginia and Fairfax County averages.  From Hybla Valley to Alexandria it is 40% higher. These are troubling numbers.  The $800 million widening of U.S. 1 and construction of bus rapid transit will bring significant safety improvements and is being engineered with lane widths assuming a 35 MPH speed limit.