
Monday, July 31, 2023

Fixing Old Colchester Road Bridge Over Giles Run

I sent the attached letter to the U.S. Department of Transportation to request grant funding to study improvements to the Old Colchester Road bridge over Giles Run Creek. 

Monday, July 24, 2023

Weekly Column: Examining and Correcting School Funding Formulas

The following is my column that will appear in this week's Mt. Vernon Gazette in the week of July 25, 2023.  

 Examining and Correcting School Funding Formulas

            The underfunding of Virginia’s public schools recently made headlines, when a new study concluded that Virginia’s K-12 education system receives 14 percent less funding that the average system in America even though Virginia has the 10th highest median family income.  This independent analysis collides with Governor Youngkin’s persistent call for more tax cuts.

            This year, the state legislature should be adopting budget amendments to reflect adjusted revenues, but we have been unable to agree because of the Governor’s insistence on more tax cuts. Cutting taxes means less revenue for state responsibilities like education and mental health.   

             As someone whose 20 years of education were subsidized by Virginia taxpayers from kindergarten through law school, I fully appreciate the importance of robust investments in public education. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

1984 Attorney General Opinion Regarding Bulkhead Repairs

 Over the last year, I have heard confusion regarding the interplay of Virginia's Living Shorelines Law and repairs or replacement of existing shoreline treatment.  

Below is an 1984 Attorney General's Opinion explaining what constitutes repairs and maintenance versus construction of new facilities.

1984 Virginia Attorney Gene... by