
Scott's Blog Roll

Here is a list of the blogs I read regularly.

State Political Blogs
Blue Virginia - Raising Kaine 2.0 - My good friends Lowell Feld & Co.
Virginia Politics - The Washington Post's political blog.
Ox Road South - My senate colleague, Sen. Chap Petersen's blog.
Common Sense - Some thoughtful Northern Virginia conservatives.
The Shad Plank - The Daily Press' Virginia Politics blog.
Pilot on Politics - The Virginian Pilot's Politics blog.
Virginia Tomorrow - Bob Holsworth's commentary.
Too Conservative - Some other thoughtful Northern Virginia conservatives who like Virginia Politics.

National Political Blogs
Five Thirty Eight: Politics Done Right - The best site that mixes numbers and political analysis on the web.
Swing State Project - A blog that covers polling and breaking news in hot races across the country.

Other Stuff
The State of NOVA - Great blog about Northern Virginia news that you won't read about in the papers.
Virginia Lawyers Weekly - The source for Virginia Legal news.
Adirondack Almanac - This is where I go hide every summer.