
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Blizzard in the 44th

Here are some pictures from around my house from the blizzard on December 19, 2009. I think we're probably pushing 20" at this point. Click on a picture to enlarge them.

Here are some holly trees blanketed next to my house.

My azaeleas and hemlock hedge are taking some abuse.

This is a light on the walkway into my house. As you can see, it's pretty much entirely submerged.

This is a hemlock tree I planted a few years ago.

Our cars in the driveway......

Mail hasn't come yet...

Street sign at the corner of Tauxemont Road and Alexandria Avenue.

Here is Alexandria Avenue looking east from Tauxemont Road.

Tauxemont Road from Alexandria Avenue looking North.

Tauxemont Road looking North along my hemlock hedge.

This is usually a break in my hemlock hedge where you can walk out to the street....

This is the walkway out to our driveway....

This is the railing on my back deck and a light on the ground.

You can get a feel for how deep it is here by looking at the bench on the left and the snow piled up in the patio chairs out back.

Not much action on the playset today.

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