
Friday, January 15, 2010

Preliminary Constituent Survey Results

So far, I have received about 125 online responses to my constituent survey. Here are some preliminary stats. Remember that this is an unscientific survey based purely on voluntarly responses.

Budget Situation
  • 75% of respondents said to preserve K-12 Education from cuts. Next highest category was Public Safety (60%).
  • 76% of respondents favor state employees contributing 1% to their retirement.
  • 50% also said end the car tax reimbursement and increase the income tax by 1%
  • 18% & 15% favored Governor Kaine's proposed Medicaid cuts and K-12 cuts
  • 29% favored Governor Kaine's Proposed Higher Education Cuts


  • 42% said raise dedicated taxes like the gas tax for transportation
  • 23% said to delay action until the economy improves
  • 9% favored diverting General Fund money to roads
  • 53% oppose drilling off the Virginia coast
  • 79% want Metro extended down U.S. 1
  • 49% want improved pedestrian access on U.S. 1

Other Government Issues

  • 75% support bipartisan redistricting
  • 72% favor mandating insurance companies to cover autistic children
  • 77% favor permitting stem cell research at state institutions
  • 70% want to change the state funding formulas
  • 51% would like Fairfax County to have authority to tax other sources than real estate
  • 51% favor reinstatement of the Estate Tax
  • 75% support investment in alternative fuels
  • 85% support tax credits for homeowners and businesses installing solar improvements
  • The best way to grow the economy was invest in roads - 37%

The top priority for respondents was to keep our schools strong.

Thank you for the feedback and keep it coming. If you have not completed my survey, you can do so here.

2010 44th District Constituent Survey

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