
Friday, February 5, 2010

Mt. Vernon Voice Endorses Fairfax Meals Tax Option

Earlier this session, I introduced HB 830, a bill to give Fairfax County the authority to enact a meals tax without a referendum, but by a unanimous vote of the Board of Supervisors. I wrote about the bill in my article Fighting for Education Funding where I explained my rationale - that Fairfax County is over-reliant on residential real estate taxes, that restaurant meals are a luxury already taxed by most surrounding jurisdictions, and that Richmond over-restricts Fairfax County's flexibility.

This option coupled with reversing Governor Kaine's decision to "freeze" the Local Composite Index could cover $140 million of Fairfax County's $176 million school budget hole.

The bill was killed by a subcommittee of the House of Delegates Finance Committee on a 5-2 vote. However, there is other legislation supported by Senator Toddy Puller that passed the Senate on a 25-15 vote that accomplishes the same result.

This week, the Mount Vernon Voice endorsed my efforts and legislation in a lengthy editorial. I have quoted the last few paragraphs below.
None have us HAVE to eat out (although I might argue this point on a personal level). If we want to go to a restaurant, it is our choice not a necessity. And let's be honest. We have never chosen a restaurant in Fairfax over a restaurant in Alexandria becaues that city has a meals tax.

Have you?

Mount Vernon Supervisor Gerry Hyland has been trying to make this point with his fellow supervisors for some time. Now we are running out of time.

We strongly support Del. Scott Surovell's (D-44th) bill to allow the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to unanimously approve enacting a meals tax without a referendum seeking approval of voters. Sometimes you just to take action.

THIS is the time.

Thank you to the Mount Vernon Voice for stepping up and standing with me on this issue.

1 comment:

  1. Taxing without referendum is somewhat akin to taxation without representation, which this nation has been fighting for over 200 years.

    It could be argued we elect representatives, thus giving them the authority, but politicians seldom have met a tax they didn't like. It makes them look like they're "doing something".

    Let's see how many other taxes we can enact so the government can take care of us.

    Cutting programs is the way to go in solving the budget problems. It was creating these government-run programs that started us on the road to fiscal ruin. Enacting taxes is not the way.

    Yes, people will cry about program cuts. But adults need to know they are responsible for their own lives; the government is not responsible for any but those who cannot (vice will not) care for themselves.
