
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Little Hunting Creek Cleanup This Saturday!

This Saturday, April 10, between my daughters’ soccer and softball games, I’ll be heading down to Little Hunting Creek to help with the Friends of Little Hunting Creek cleanup of the watershed. The snow this past winter and the spring rains have made sent a lot of trash and debris in to the Creek and along the shore. Little Hunting Creek is one of the most beautiful parts of our community and it’s important that we maintain this community asset.

Little Hunting Creek serves as an important habitat for wildlife along the Potomac River watershed. Ospreys, geese, ducks, heron and bald eagles can be found along the creek along with a variety of fish. We have a responsibility to maintain the environment and it starts at home. Try to make it out this weekend to do your part in keeping Mount Vernon clean and beautiful.

Here’s more information on the cleanup:

  • There will be multiple times and locations for various activities throughout the day. Here is the full schedule -

  • Trash bags and work gloves will be provided (but they may run out of gloves, so bring your own if they have them).

  • Students who need community service credits can earn them.

  • The weather’s going to be great!

Hope to see you there!

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