
Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Fair Shake for U.S. 1

Senator Toddy Puller and I had a Op-Ed piece published in today's Washington Post regarding U.S. 1. Last week, I read that the County was considering investing $1.5 billion in Tyson's Corner road improvements after Tyson's Corner has already received billions of infrastructure investments via the new Silver Line. I do not think that is a fair allocation of Fairfax County's tax dollars.

You can read the entire article here:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to both of you for this. As someone who both lives and works in this corridor, I have a keen interest in its development. The potential is limitless! Thank you for being advocates for its continued growth and reinvention. This stretch is truly a place that is a pleasure to live and work, but it needs the funds and the attention to continue the great path it is already one!

    Ben Bryant
    CEO, Bryant Zamberlan Group
