
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

FCPS Numbers to Think About

Student's in the 44th District go back to school next week. Here's some Fairfax County numbers to think about.

Total Students: 175,333
* Next Closest VA Jurisdiction: Prince William 76,874
* 12th Largest System in United States

Free & Reduced Lunch Students: 39,019
* Would Be 8th Largest School System in VA of 132 Jurisdictions
Students Receiving Special Education: 24,363
* Would Be 11th Largest School System in VA of 132 Jurisdictions
English as Second Language: 21,347
* Would Be 14th Largest School System in VA of 132 Jurisdictions
Operating Budget: $2.2 Billion
* Would Rank as 123rd Largest Country Budget in World (or 122nd)
* Larger Than 100 Countries
* Larger Than 5 State General Fund Budgets (2007)
Cost Per Student: $12,597
Total Employees: 22,150
Total Teachers: 14,000+/-
School Based Positions: 92.8%

High Schools: 21
Alternative High Schools: 2
Secondary Schools: 4
Intermediate Schools: 19
Middle Schools: 3
Elementary Schools: 139
Alternative Programs: 46
Buses: 1,540

White: 45.3%
African American: 10.4%
American Indian: .3%
Asian American: 18.8%
Hispanic: 18.1%
Multiracial: 5.9%

Four-Year Graduation Rate: 91.2%
I gave a floor speech during the 2010 General Assembly Session about some of these facts in response to some of my colleagues who suggested that all of Fairfax County was wealthy and did not have as much need as the rest of Virginia especially when it came to school funding. Here it is below.

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