
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Costco & U.S. 1 Transportation

Change may be coming to the most congested part of U.S. 1 within the 44th District, but it is not in the form of traffic relief.

Costco is proposing a 143,000 SF store at the old Multiplex site on U.S. 1. According to the analysis, U.S. 1 currently handles about 60,000 vehicles per day. The store is expected to add about 4,500 trips per day to the intersections surrounding that property.

While having a Costco in the district will be much more convenient for the residents of the 44th District, will bring some jobs, and clean up a blighted property, there is going to be a trade off in the form of significantly increased traffic in an existing congested location.

I am concerned about the impact this will have on long-term traffic flow on U.S. 1, Sherwood Hall Lane, and Mount Vernon Highway. I am looking for feedback.

The U.S. Army's studies (See Figures D-8 & D-9) have predicted the BRAC improvements are predicted to add at least an additional 1,000 vehicle trips per day to U.S. 1 north of Fort Belvoir. Traffic volumes on U.S. 1 are also expected to grow over time.

There are no plans to fund any significant improvements or widening this stretch of U.S. 1 in the near decade. Costco is proposing the following improvements.
  • Modification of the signal timing splits at the Richmond Highway/Ladson Lane intersection to provide additional green time for heavier turn movements.
  • Modification of the signal timing splits at the Richmond Highway/Sherwood Hall Lane/Wal-Mart Driveway intersection.
  • Modification of the signal timing splits at the Richmond Highway/Buckman Road/Mount
    Vernon Highway intersection.
  • Construction of an exclusive southbound right-turn lane at the Richmond Highway/Ladson Lane intersection.
  • Construction of an exclusive westbound right-turn lane at the Ladson Lane/Site Entrance intersection.
  • Closure of the existing median break at the intersection of Richmond Highway and entrance to the Spring Garden Apartments.
  • Extension of the existing northbound leftturn lane at the intersection of Richmond Highway/Sherwood Hall Lane/Wal-Mart Driveway intersection to approximately 625

An in depth discussion and analysis of this proposal along with maps, including the 300+ pages of appendices and VDOT's response to the analysis is available on VDOT's website. The important documents are here:

Costco's Transportation Analysis Impact Study

VDOT Website: Costco Land Track Submission Details

Please provide me with your comments in the form below or CLICK HERE. All comments provided will be forwarded to Supervisor Hyland, McKay, Bulova and Costco.


1 comment:

  1. Great info Scott! Thanks...I'm going to VDOT link now. So glad you do this as sometimes I don't know where to go (although people tell me all the time ;-)
