
Friday, February 11, 2011

$93 Million of K-12 Cuts

Yesterday, the House of Delegates voted to pass budget amendments proposing to cut over $92 million from the Governor's proposed budget. The final vote is here.

This is also after the Governor Office says there is $500 million in unanticipated new revenues. The House of Delegates voted to divert $150 million in General Fund monies to transportation (I voted no).

The Senate Budget Amendments do not do this.

The House of Delegates voted to cut K-12 education last year for the first time in anyone's recent memory (I voted no). I do not support further cuts to K-12 education. Virginia already gives Fairfax County only 19% of its school funding.

The House of Delegates also voted to do the following:

- Fund a $25 million tax credit for private school funding
- Mandated physical education classes which Fairfax County estimates will cost Fairfax County $8 million

This is at the same time Fairfax County Public Schools is struggling to find $8 million to fund full-day kindergarten.

You can see how much each school system is cut on the document below by comparing the column "HB 1500 As Introduced" with "Recommended House Budget FY 2012."

2011 HOD Budget Amendments - Education Aid Appendix

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