
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Congress Slashes Metro Funding

Last week, I blogged about the new National Academy of Sciences study authorized by U.S. Senator Mark Warner. The Dixie Pig, NAS Says Feds Need to Pony Up for BRAC. The Report concluded that existing federal standards regarding federal contributions to local transportation improvements due to military relocations were inadequate and that the federal government needs to fund improvements for changes caused by BRAC.

Earlier this week, Congressional Republicans submitted a budget that entirely eliminated the $150 million per year contribution to Metro. This contribution was part of a multi-jurisdiction deal brokered by Congressman Tom Davis. Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia each contribute $50 million so that Metro received an additional $300 million per year to help with their multi-billion dollar maintenance backlog.

Congressman Connolly introduced legislation to restore the federal money, but House Republicans ruled it out of order. Yesterday, I spoke on the House Floor and demanded that the Governor get involved. The second-ranking Republican in Congress is from Virginia. Metro is a national concern and is a fundamental part of Northern Virginia's economic infrastructure. Northern Virginia powers the economy of this state and the State Budget. We shouldn't be treated this way.

Thousands of people in my district use Metro to get to work or pleasure every week. The extension of Metro will require cooperation and funding from the federal, state and local government. It is critical that we protect all of Metro's funding sources.

My speech, an interview with Congressman Connolly, and my press release are below.

Scott Surovell Press Release - Metro Funding 2-16-11

1 comment:

  1. I'd feel a whole lot better about *any* funding to Metro if I had ANY sense that they could use the money wisely, and for its intended purpose.

    Kelly Johnson is widely quoted as having said something to the effect of "If you can't solve it with brainpower, you can't solve it with dollars."

    Metro might do well to remember that. People will take only just so much poor service, crappy attitudes, and incompetent management before they say "no".
