
Monday, April 11, 2011

Congressional Redistricting - Part II

This afternoon, we are beginning debate on Congressional Redistricting. I have not been briefed on the status yet. State Legislatures have responsibility for drawing congressional district lines. It is my understanding that the following plans are out there:

  • Virginia's eleven incumbent congressmen have proposed new lines for their districts. It is my understanding that this is reflected in legislation introduced by Delegate Bill Janis that you can review here (CLICK HERE).

  • The Virginia Senate has proposed a different map that is identical for most Northern Virginia Districts - the 8th (Moran), 10th (Wolf), and 11th (Connolly) - but creates a "political influence" district in the Richmond suburbs that is largely, but not majority, African American. The map was up last night, but has now been taken down of the state website.

  • The Governor's Bipartisan Redistricting Commission has proposed its own set of maps (View Draft Plan Here (I can't find the final online)).

  • A competition of 30 college teams produced its own award winning sets of maps (W&M Plan Here - Other Award Winnning Plans Here).

It is my understanding that we are beginning debate and voting on these plans this afternoon. All of the new plans push the 11th Congressional District largely out of the Mount Vernon community and have us entirely in the 8th Congressional District - Mount Vernon's congressional district for at least the last 100 years until the 11th District was slipped into Mount Vernon's southern precincts in 2001. Here is a map of Fairfax County until the House & Senate proposals:

Please send me your feedback at!

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