
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Petition for the Future of U.S. 1

During my election campaign in 2009, as I knocked doors throughout the 44th District, I kept hearing the same thing from people- we need to do something about Route 1.

The condition of Route 1 is not just a traffic problem. It's an economic development, environmental, jobs, and quality of life issue. The improvement of Route 1 is the most critical issue in our community.

This year, the McDonnell Administration thankfully agreed to fund the Route 1 Transit Study which is a legally necessary small first step, but there are many more legally required steps before the road can be improved or the Yellow Line extended.

This year, we passed legislation speeding up $3 billion of transportation spending. The Governor announced a proposed project list and there is not one single project involving Route 1 between Alexandria and Fort Belvoir on the Six Year Plan.

Unless this is changed immediately, the remaining planning to improve Route 1 cannot even begin until 2017 at the earliest. If planning waits for six years from now, engineering and right of way purchases would start some time after 2020 and actual construction would begin sometime after my four year-old son goes to college.

Your community needs your help right now. Last week, I was one of only two legislators at a public hearing - click here to watch my speech demanding action. Public comment closes on the next Six Year Improvement Plan on May 27. Here's what you can do.

Step #1 - Sign my online petition demanding that Route 1 be added to the V.D.O.T. Six Year Improvement Plan.

Step #2 - Write a letter to Governor McDonnell and Secretary Connaughton.

Governor Robert F. McDonnell
P.O. Box 1475
Richmond, VA 23218

Secretary Sean Connaughton
Virginia Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 1475
Richmond, VA 23218

Step #3 - Forward the petition to all of your friends in the Mt. Vernon Community.

The future of our community depends on it.

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