
Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Birth of WePo & The Return of Red Dawn

Now for a bit of local history. 

Back when I was in 7th and 8th grade, the southern end of the county endured an epic battle over the closure and merger of Fort Hunt High School and Groveton High School.  I'm not going to revisit that, but after the decision was made, the students were asked to make some decisions. 

I was in the Class of '89 and in the Fall of 1984, I started 8th Grade.  My class (and possibly others), were tasked with coming up with the name, colors, and mascot for the new high school.  My brother was in 6th grade, and the pyramid 6th graders got to work on the "new" intermediate school.

I have a vague recollection of the choices.  I remember that Gunston High School was in play and I have a fleeting recollection that a "Heifer" was one of the mascots on the table, but maybe I'm just confusing rumors with reality. 

 In the Summer of 1984, the big movie was Red Dawn featuring Patrick Swayze, Jennifer Gray, C. Thomas Howell, Lea Thompson, and Charlie Sheen's big screen debut (see trailer below). It was about a group of high school kids who fought back the Russian invasion of their town by retreating to the Rocky Mountains and fighting their way back with hunting rifles and RPG's.  Every time they blew up a Russian convoy they would scream at them about their school mascot - the Wolverines. 

So our election came and everyone knows the outcome today - West Potomac High School was born with Blue and Gray and of course, our mascot was, of course predetermined - We Are Wolverines. 

Today, when I mention it to WePo students, they look at me like I'm some crazy fossil.  You see - today's seniors were all born around 1994-95 (when I was law school).  Patrick Swayze recently died.  Jennifer Grey is that old actress with a bad nose job on Dancing With the Stars.  C. Thomas Howell's career cratered after Soul Man, Lea Thompson was done in by Howard the Duck, and Charlie Sheen is.... well, Charlie Sheen.  

So the other day, I found out that they have actually shot a re-make of Red Dawn that is scheduled to be released in the Fall of 2012 featuring high school kids defending us from an invasion by the North Korean Army (apparently it was originally the Chinese but they changed it after China threatened to keep it from being distributed in China). 

So now that it's coming back, I think it's time for West Potomac High School to revisit it's heritage.  I think both movies should be required viewing for all West Potomac High School graduates (along with paramiltary and survival training). 


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