
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Mulligan Road Construction Begins!

The on and off again Mulligan Road project is now back on.  The bid protest of Overland Corporation was dismissed on December 21, 2011 and it's all systems go for the construction of Mulligan Road.

I wrote about this last in October:

The project is being run by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).  Last month, I spoke with our local liason and he advised me that site preparation work had already begun.

About three weeks ago, our regional VDOT officials advised me as follows:
I have not been by the site myself, but many people have advised me that the contractor has deployed and there are signs of construction on the site.

Once completed, this project will bring four lanes from U.S. 1 near Woodlawn Mansion to Telegraph Road near the Hilltop Golf Course entrance, plus widening of Telegraph Road to four lanes from the connection up to Beulah Road.  This will help to bring some relief to my constituents in 22309 and in Hayfield who are suffering from longer commutes since Woodlawn Road was closed in 2001. 

The project is being funded with federal, state and local funds, including monies that I voted on as part of legislation last session

The latest briefing I head was that the projected completion date for this project will be Fall 2013.  Nice to see some progress.
FHWA Eastern Federal Lands (EFL) Division informs VDOT that the suspension of work on Mulligan Road has been lifted and the contractor (Shirley Construction) is moving ahead with actual construction activities.  FHWA-EFL has met with Shirley Construction and have indicated that they will be mobilizing on the Project within the next two weeks. This will  start with installing the field office along Telegraph Road near the golf course with construction work going on in the next two weeks.


  1. It seems they were given a lot of time to finish the project, but I don’t think they will let their foot off the pedal any time soon. In project management, certain dilemmas should be given an instantaneous solution. That is what’s needed here.

    Megan Payne

  2. Thanks Megan.

    It actually wasn't really a matter of being given a lot of time. There were a bunch of delays - e.g. there were two bid protests, plus the big problem was no money and the land for the segment through Woodlawn Plantation needed to be condemned (again no money).

    Now that's it's funded, moving along.

  3. @Scott : That’s good news! Projects really need to be well funded for it to progress. Looks like nothing can stop the road construction now! Good luck!

    -Alphonse Daigle

  4. That's a good news! However, It doesn't matter how well the planning is done, uncertainty will always be hovering over the intended task to slow the completion time. That's what I have seen in life.

    Plos Constructions
