
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Construction Begins on Telegraph Road!

Today's Patch is reporting that construction is about to begin on the intersection of Telegraph Road, South Van Dorn Street and South Kings Highway.

Anyone who tries to get through that intersection at rush hour knows that it is somewhere you want to avoid.  It typically takes 2-3 light cycles to get through the first light and another 1-2 cycles to get through the second light depending which way you are going.

When I knocked doors in the Lake Devereaux neighborhood in the summer of 2011, the #1 complaint I heard was drivers pulling into their neighborhood to make an illegal u-turn to avoid the light.  I even arranged for VDOT to hang an additional sign up to provide additional warning (I'm not sure it helped much).

It's also important to note that this project is being paid for by the County with monies generated by a new tax on commercial property authorized by the 2007 General Assembly.  Unless the General Assembly steps up with some new revenue, this local tax and federal government will continue to be the only source of money for major road improvements.

At least this is getting done. 

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