
Friday, January 11, 2013


The initial responses to my constituent survey are starting to come in and after 70 random responses generated  by my 8,000 piece mailing and newspaper column, here's some interesting trends:
  • Transportation has overtaken improving the economy as one of people's Top 3 concerns (65% v. 57%)
  • An overwhelming majority wants a Yellow Line Extension versus anything else:
    • 64% Yellow Line Extension
    • 12% Light Rail
    • 9% Bus Rapid Transit
  • 74% Oppose the $25 million Private School Tax Credits we enacted last year
  • 74% Support paying more for renewable energy
  • 80% Support No Excuse Absentee Voting for Seniors
  • 65% Support Enhancing Medicaid Reimbursement for in home providers
  • 84% Support Licensing for In-Home Health Care Providers
  • 61% Support Incentives for Energy Efficient Vehicles
  • Top Choices for Funding New Transportation Construction:
    • 55% Support Raising the Gas Tax
    • 49% Support Raising the Sales Tax for Transportatio
    • 23% Support Using Public Private Partnerships
  • Top Choice for Improving Schools was Lower Class Sizes
    • 30% Lower Class Sizes
    • 16% Higher Teacher Salaries
    • 12% Better Preschool & Quality Childcare
    • 12% More Funding to School Boards
    • 4% Computers for Every Child 7th Grade and Up
  • 50% Support Raising Taxes to Fund Higher Education:
    • 20% Raise the Sales Tax
    • 20% Other
    • 17% Do Nothing
    • 16% Reinstate the Estate Tax
    • 14% Raise the Income Tax
Make your voice heard!  Fill out my constituent survey today! 

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