
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Mt. Vernon Snakeheads In the News!

One of the great things about living in the 44th District is living right next to the Potomac River.  The 44th District was the home of "The Snakehead Invasion" in Virginia when they were first discovered in Little Hunting Creek and Dogue Creek.

Since then, the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) has been conducting studies in our creeks to learn more about these fish and how they might impact our ecosystem.  Based on what I've seen, they don't seem to live around shopping carts, bottles or cans....  Any any event, I've written about this previously below:

The big question for Virginia is whether we legitimize them - take them off the invasive species list - so they can be bought and sold, served in restaurants, competitions held and citations issued?  Once that happens, you will see them in every river in Virginia.  They are great sporting fish and I'm told they taste pretty good. 

Today's Washington Post has a great video (much better than the ones I did) featuring DGIF Biologist John Odenkirk and his studies.  John has become one of the preminent snakehead experts in the United States.

You can see the videos I put together on the flip including my trip with Delegate David Bulova with John Odenkirk.

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