
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thank You 44th District!

On Tuesday, November 5, 18,387 of the 44th District's 80,000 residents participated in the 2013 Election.  Seventy-one percent of them chose to give me the honor of continuing to represent our community in Richmond.

Since I was first elected in 2009, the long-term improvement of the U.S. 1 Corridor has been my number one priority and it will continue to be. The extension of the Yellow Line is the long-term solution to redevelopment on U.S. 1.

The U.S. 1 Corridor is projected to add 40,000 new residents and 17,000 new jobs in the next 30 years. We need to lay the groundwork for moving those people now.

All of our children deserve a first class education. The Commonwealth has threatened to pull the accreditation of almost one-half of the schools in the 44th District. We must take steps to address that now and in the long term or our Mt. Vernon schools will be under threat of a state takeover.

We cannot continue to tolerate thousands of 44th District children on waiting lists for Head Start or subsidized childcare, and being asked to use online textbooks when they do not have computers or broadband at home. Whether a child attends preschool or can participate in school should not be a function of which side of U.S. 1 you live on or a family's income.

Virginia will now have a Governor who believes that renewable energy and energy efficiency is a path to economic development and new jobs. I look forward to working with Terry McAuliffe to bring Virginia's energy tax incentives and regulatory structures attractive to new jobs.

I also intend to fight to reform Virginia's political ethics laws and to maximize transparency.  Streetlight is the best policeman and sunshine is the best disinfectant.  The Freedom of Information Act must apply to Virginia's corporate regulator.  Virginia's current laws are inadequate.

Finally, I also recognize that 5,210 44th District residents said they did not like the job I have been doing. I hope to continue to earn their confidence over the next two years. Not a single bill I carry can pass the House of Delegates without at least seventeen Republican legislators voting for it.  Virginia has a strong bipartisan tradition history of getting things done. 

Thank you again for the opportunity to serve you in Richmond. If you ever have any feedback, questions or concerns, please reach out and I hope to see you soon.

It is an honor to serve you in Richmond.

1 comment:

  1. Specifically, WHICH Republicans are you working with on ethics bills?

    I see all kinds of people saying they'll work across the aisles with it, but NONE will admit to speaking with anyone of the other party.
