
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Puller-Surovell Healthcare Town Hall

Today, State Senator Toddy Puller and I held a town hall meeting regarding proposals to close the uninsured healthcare gap in Virginia with Virginia Secretary of Health William Hazel.  About forty Mt. Vernon residents showed up to learn about closing the gap and ask questions.

Here are some bottom lines:
  • Closing the Gap Would Save VA Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions
  • Would Free Up General Fund Money for Other Purposes
  • Would Provide Last Uninsured with Dignity of Health Insurance
  • Will Create 30,000 Virginia Jobs
  • Will Bring VA Federal Tax Dollars Back to Virginia and Stop VA Subsidizing Other States
  • Will Control Exploding Private Medical Insurance Costs
  • Is Supported by:
             –  Health Care Industry–  Virginia Chamber of Commerce–  Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce–  Senate of Virginia–  Governor Terry McAuliffe
  • Is Opposed by:
             –  Virginia House Republican Caucus
You can see the presentation we gave below.

Also, about three weeks ago, I presented an analysis with the Progressive Caucus that discusses some of the politics surrounding the issues and makes some statewide projections. You can watch the presentation and see the Press Package below.

1 comment:

  1. Why are we adding 400,000 to a Medicaid program where more doctors are already needed so that access times don't increase. It is difficult now to get a doctor to accept Medicaid. Why put this additional burden on doctors who are already so hardworking, running their small business office practice. I hear nothing about adding doctors to the Medicaid program. I thought ACA was suppose to make insurance affordable or be subsidized for all so why the need for more onto Medicaid. Are politicians trying to push more onto a single payer system (government insured plans)? Seems to be the plan they are telling us about. Otherwise, someone tell me why this Medicaid push and not just go on ACA.
