
Sunday, August 10, 2014

New Sherwood Hall Lane Bike Lanes

While I was on vacation, VDOT finishing the paving operations on Sherwood Hall Lane.

The striping is still in progress, but the new bike lanes are on the ground.  VDOT still has to pain bike lane symbols in the ground, a few stripes here and there, and install signage, but they are now on the ground and usable.

I took them for a test spin with my new GoPro camera on Sunday, August 10, 2014 around 11:30 a.m.  You can see my ride a double speed below.

Multimodal improvements are critical to get more cars off the road.  It is also hoped that by restricting lane size, this will help to lower speeds and illegal passing on Sherwood Hall Lane which has become a real problem with increased cut through traffic. 

These improvements were the result of two public hearings and significant public input.   These lanes will eventually link into to a multiuse path on U.S. 1 and other bike lanes as U.S. 1 is redone, properties are redeveloped and road repaved.


  1. The new bike lanes look great. Thanks for helping to make this happen!

  2. The new bike lanes are great. It would be nice to see them, along with decent sidewalks, on both Ft. Hunt and Collingwood Roads. What can be done to make that happen?
