
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Protecting Mt. Vernon's Fisheries

The 44th District is fortunate to serve as the sentinel "guarding" our border with Maryland.  The Potomac River is a true asset and Virginia's Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) helps to keep it thriving and to restore it.  Outdoor activities like fishing and hunting create millions of dollars of economic activity in the Commonwealth.

DGIF's has a team of biologists who continually monitor the our areas creeks and rivers.  It is funded nearly entirely by licensing fees for fishing and hunting, and grants.

DGIF's biologist in our area is John Odenkirk.  I have taken several trips with him to learn about his efforts to study and monitor the Potomac's Snakehead population which originated in Dogue Creek and Little Hunting Creek.  Here's some of my prior posts:

DGIF publishes a series of videos called "The Fish Head Chronicles" on Facebook.  One of their latest versions focuses on John's Mount Vernon fish monitoring and removal of an invasive species called the water chestnut.  You can see the passion he brings to his job in the video.  You can watch it here.

Enjoy the video and make sure you "Like" their page on Facebook!

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