
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Squirrels of Capitol Square

I just saw squirrels highlighted in the second issue of the 2014 newsletter of the Virginia Natural History Society.  

Style Weekly has an entire article on it you can read here:

Both articles have a vivid account of the murder of one squirrel by a dog and the attempted murder of a dog by a brick-wielding Capitol Policeman named Mr. Eustice who apologized for only maiming the dog because "he attempted to kill it."

There was also a story about a squirrel making a nest of papers during the drafting of the 1902 Constitution - maybe they should have taken the hint (if you know anything about that Constitution).  
VCU Photo Entitled "Convict Feeding Squirrels, 1890"
Looks like Governor George Allen really did not like squirrels.  He ordered the destruction of their bathing piers in the Governor's Mansion fountain.  

The Department of General Service also pointed out that the Capitol Square squirrels have not been immune from budget cuts - the $200-$300 previously spent on their peanuts has been zeroed out and the squirrel houses in the trees have not been renovated in over 10 years.  So much for affordable housing.    

The article also has an address where you can ask for the blueprints so you can build your very own Capitol Square replica squirrel house.  

I'll never look at the Capitol Square squirrels the same way again.

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