
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hurricane Joaquin Storm Information

The National Weather Service issued a flood warning for Northern Virginia due to the approach of Hurricane Joaquin. 
We are expected to receive heavy rain over the next three days as shown on the right. 

The path of the storm is still highly uncertain given existing weather patterns so please continue to monitor events.

The following information should help you prepare for the storm:  

Dominion Resources Power Outage Line

Dominion Resources Storm Cente

VDOT Street Problem Number

1 (800) FOR-ROAD
Only six inches of water can cause loss of control and possible stalling for most passenger cars. A foot of water will float many vehicles, while two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles. Stay off the roads as much as possible and monitor road conditions before you travel: Dial 511 or go to

Listen to news reports for possible flood warnings and reports of flooding in progress or other critical information, like whether the community’s water supply is safe to drink post-flooding. Be sure you know the weather terms and what you should do:  

  • Flood Watch or Flash Flood Watch: There is an increased possibility of flooding or a flash flood in your area.
  • Flood Warning: Flooding is occurring or will likely occur very soon. If emergency officials advise you to evacuate, do so immediately.
  • Flash Flood Warning: Flash flooding is occurring. Seek higher ground immediately – don’t wait for official instructions.

Please consider downloading the free Ready Virginia smart phone app here:

The app features a customizable emergency plan, a checklist for gathering emergency supplies and an “I’m Safe!” feature that allows you to quickly send a text message to let family and friends know you are safe.  You can also use a downloadable checklist to create your family’s emergency plan.
If you use durable medical equipment, need medical supplies, or take critical medications, make sure you have enough medication on hand for 3-5 days and include these items in your go-bag in case evacuation is recommended. Make note of elderly or disabled neighbors to check in with during the storm.
Don’t forget to bring inside or secure any garbage cans, lawn furniture, or anything that you’re concerned about blowing around or causing damage. The Red Cross has put together a complete Flood Safety Checklist, here.

Don’t walk through moving water -- what might seem like a small amount of moving water can easily knock you down. When you’re driving, be aware of areas where floodwaters have receded. Roads may have weakened and, in extreme cases, could collapse under the weight of a car.
If your house starts to flood, make sure your whole family knows to never go into a flood-damaged basement or a basement filled with water until the utility company, fire department, or a licensed electrician has removed the home's electrical meter from its socket. Even if you've lost power, you can still be electrocuted in a flooded basement if someone is running a generator nearby and back-feeding electricity into a storm damaged grid.
Dial 211 if you need help, information, or resources during or after the storm, sign-up for alerts services and weather warnings, or visit for statewide storm updates.  For more information, resources, and frequently asked questions, you can check out my website here.

Other Resources
Emergencies, Reporting Outages & Traffic Issues:
Contact information for reporting utility outages and traffic problems follow:

Washington Gas
Police non-emergency numbers are:

Fairfax County:
Prince William County:

Stafford County:
If you have any prolonged outages or if your street is blocked, feel free to contact my office at 571.249.4484 or email me at

Please prepare and be safe during the storm!

1 comment:

  1. Very good information, Scott. Glad you put this up-very helpful.

    Bill Lowrance
