
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Thank You 36th District Voters!

The final results are in and thanks to all of your hard work, financial support, and most of all, your votes, I will be sworn in as the next Senator for the 36th District in January.
The results were decisive across the board:
  • We prevailed in 16 of 17 precincts in Fairfax County and won Fairfax County 68% to 31%
  • We prevailed in 20 of 26 precincts in Prince William County and won Prince William County 57% to 43%
  • We split Stafford County precincts 2 v. 2 and only lost the County by 131 votes
  • We won the district by 60%, but the absentee by 68% and showed the state the difference that a real absentee voting program can have in a race.
Although we did not regain control of the Senate of Virginia last night, we had many results in the 36th District to be happy about.  When I run a campaign, it is very important to me to help all of the candidates that I run with - up and down the ticket.  We are all stronger when we work together.
In Fairfax County Dan Storck and Karen Corbett Saunders won handily and ran up huge margins in their 36th District precincts.  Delegate Mark Sickles easily won re-election in his contested race.
Prince William County really shined bright last night and continued to demonstrate why Virginia's second largest jurisdiction will continue to be Virginia's premiere battleground with the 36th District square in the middle of the fight.  Woodbridge Supervisor Frank Principi easily won re-election along with Woodbridge School Board member Loree Williams.  Incumbent Occoquan School Board Member Lillie Jessie won by 700 votes, but ran up most of her margins in five 36th District Precincts. 
However, it appears that Democrats have captured a 5-3 majority of the Prince William County School BoardJustin Wilk beat a 12-year incumbent in a district that is 90% inside the 36th District and Ryan Sawyers won the at large race by 2.5% with a huge boost out of Eastern Prince William County - the 36th District.    This will make a huge difference in the education of children in the second largest jurisdiction in Virginia.  Paul Ebert won an unprecedented 13th term and about half of his 6,000 margin came from the 36th District.
My friend Josh King, may have lost by 1.1% or 128 votes (before the canvass today) of winning in House District #2 and Andrea Bailey lost by only 500 votes.  Jacqueline Smith nearly lost the Prince William County Clerk's race by less than 5% or only 2,800 votes.  These three ran hard and I'm disappointed that it appears that I will not be able to work with them.  Likewise, my friend Bettina Lawton lost the Fairfax County Clerk's race by only 2% and Ted Velkoff will not be returning to the Fairfax County School Board At-Large position.  Four years from today, I think we will be seeing different outcomes. 
Many people played key roles in these outcomes.  My Campaign Manager Megan Howard led my nine-person team.  Ryan Brinkerhoff marshaled the field troops while Philip Scranage kept me on task raising the financial resources to move the campaign along.  Our five field organizers James Privette, Mia Norris, Garrett Herndon, Seetha Ream-Rao, and Bryan Estes worked day and night, consultant Ben Tribbett provided key strategic guidance throughout the process, and my aide Nadine Slocum pinch hit when necessary after hours.  Of course, thousands of your volunteer hours stuffing envelopes, making phone calls, knocking doors and dropping literature went into getting out our message and our vote.
The friendship, endorsement, and mentoring that Senator Toddy Puller has provided over the last six years has been a key part of making this victory possible.  Her leadership in the 44th Delegate District and 36th Senate District provided a credibility that allows me to help build on her successes. 
Most importantly, none of this is possible without the enduring support of my family and especially my wife, Erinn, and children, Eva, Leia, Mara and Colin who haven't seen much of their father since March.  I am really looking forward to being able to get back to my children's soccer games and reading Harry Potter to my kids at night again.  My law partners probably also wouldn't mind if I got back to work, and I was relieved to find out that my dog bite wound acquired canvassing wasn't infected after avoiding the doctor for the last two weeks.  Back to the real world. 
Finally, it appears we are still looking of a campaign debt of at least $20,000.  If you can help to retire that debt, I would greatly appreciate it.  As always, you can contribute online or mail in a contribution:
Thanks to all that you have done, I will be able to continue the legacy of strong representation in the 36th District on the foundation that leaders like Senator Joe Gartlan and Senator Toddy Puller constructed over the last three decades.  The time to move forward on planning for Yellow and Blue Line extensions in Fairfax and Prince William County is now.  Our schools need significant investments.  We must expand Medicaid and Route 1's predatory lenders are now on notice. 
I cannot thank all of your for all you have done to bring these victories.  We are laying a groundwork to create a brighter future for the 36th District and Virginia.
Thank You Again,
Scott A. Surovell
Delegate 44th District
Senator-Elect 36th District
P.S.  Please consider recycling your yard sign by bringing it by one of our two campaign headquarters at 8647 Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA 22309 or 2020 Daniel Stewart Square, Woodbridge, VA tomorrow

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