
Monday, March 25, 2019

Comment on Route 1 Widening in Fairfax County

Next week, VDOT will host public information sessions on the future of U.S. 1 widening in Fairfax County. This is your opportunity to learn about the project and make your voice heard before the final design is established. The event will be at Mount Vernon High School from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on March 26.

I am collecting comments and will share them with VDOT. Please complete my survey here

VDOT has several important decisions to make and your feedback is very important.

First VDOT needs to determine whether to install pedestrian underpasses below U.S. 1 at Little Hunting Creek and Dogue Creek (visualization to the right). These underpasses would connect to crucial trail networks and provide connectivity between Gum Springs Community Center and several residential neighborhoods on the west side of the highway.

You can also express your support for adding trash collectors under U.S. 1 to stem the tide of trash flowing into the Potomac River from our community. VDOT is also considering several street realignments adjacent to U.S. 1. One of those will be Cooper Road and Sacremento Drive. Please share your thoughts on that proposal in my survey.

Finally and most importantly, Fairfax County needs to hear from you if you believe utilities should be undergrounded along U.S. 1. In the most recent legislative session, I passed legislation which will allow Fairfax County to pass a small levy of up to $1/month to fund underground electric lines on U.S. 1. We can get this done!

As always, it is an honor to serve you in the Senate of Virginia.

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