
Monday, April 1, 2019

Tell VDOT to Give Cyclists and Pedestrians and Cyclists a Safer Way to Cross a Multimodal U.S. 1 in 7 years!

VDOT is finalizing plans to widen U.S. 1. One of the important decisions they still need to make is whether to install an underpass below the highway at Little Hunting Creek and another at Dogue Creek.  Over the last public hearing, they have received mixed feedback over whether meeting attendees would "use" the underpass, but the meetings were largely attended by people who do not live near the crossings.

The underpass would provide many benefits:
  • Improved pedestrian access for residents on the west side of US 1 to the community center on the east side of US 1 - better walkability.
  • Fewer pedestrians crossing US 1 – fewer fatalities on the deadliest road in Fairfax County.
  • Increased residential and commercial property values and associated increased tax revenue.
  • Connectivity between Mt. Vernon Trail and Trail networks throughout Fairfax County.
  • Allow children from Audubon to safely cross U.S. 1 to access Gum Springs Community Center, Martin Luther King Jr. Park and free pool in Gum Springs, and George Washington Recretation Center.
  • Allow children from Gum Springs to safely access Huntley Meadows Park
  • Allow Gum Springs Residents to safely access Costco and Wal-Mart on foot
  • Allow residents in 22309 to safely access pedestrian trails, biking trails, park resources on West side of U.S. 1 including Jackson M. Abbitt Wetland Refuge
Little Hunting Creek proposed trail will connect residents and amenities

Dogue Creek trail would connect communities around Woodlawn

According to the DMV, this is the deadliest road for pedestrians in Fairfax County. Providing this underpass will save lives.

Please click the image below to sign the petition for VDOT to install an underpass below US 1 to allow pedestrians to safely cross the road:

I'm going out to canvass in the neighborhoods near the proposed underpass to collect more signatures. 

WHAT: Canvassing for Petition Signatures with Senator Surovell
WHEN: Sunday, April 7, 2019, 9 a.m.
WHERE: Spring Garden Apartments

WHO: Volunteers and Delegate Krizek
WHEN: Sunday, April 7, 12 p.m.
WHERE: Janna Lee Avenue bridge over Little Hunting Creek

Can you join me? Please sign up through the petition link above if you want to help other residents to support this important pedestrian and bike infrastructure!

P.S. I'm also collecting comments on other important decisions VDOT needs to make. If you haven't filled out my US 1 comments survey, please do so here:


  1. Tunnels invite crime. Assaults and thefts are not visible to passerby pedestrians or cars. PLEASE look at crime statistics... in London, for ecample, underpasses are AVOIDED by walkers for this reason! And this specific spot on Richmond Hwy is a higher crime area to *begin* with. Please do not pursue this option!

  2. As another commenter noted, underpasses can be better locations for crime to occur. The underpass should have 24/7 lighting, security cameras to deter & observe illegal activity, plus have regular police visitation to discourage loitering. If there's going to be a traffic signal in the vicinity after the widening, pedestrians should still have the option of a crosswalk if they so choose.
