
Friday, March 27, 2020

2020 36th District Paving Maps

VDOT will repave over 100 lane miles in the 36th District portions of eastern Fairfax, Prince William, and Stafford Counties this summer. The entire map of roadwork for the 2020 summer paving season can be viewed at

This work is only made possible by tax increases passed in the 2013 transportation bill - HB2313. I voted for the 2013 transportation bill as a State Delegate after a significant reduction of the Hybrid Tax. Though it was not perfect, the 2013 bill provided the revenues necessary to restart road maintenance that had been put on hold for two years.  We had not raised transportation taxes in 28 years and we are continuing to dig out of the maintenance backlog. Re-paving these streets is long overdue.

In Virginia, all public roads are owned and maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).  Our local governments play no role in road maintenance.

Several of the affected neighborhoods in the 36th District are Villamay, Wellington, Marumsco, Woodbridge, Colby Drive, Spriggs Road and Widewater. Maps by neighborhood can be seen below.
Rippon-area paving scheduled for 2020
Mt. Vernon paving scheduled for 2020

Widewater paving scheduled for 2020
Montclair paving scheduled for 2020

Occoquan/Lakeridge Paving Scheduled for 2020

1 comment:

  1. Please request VDOT **not** re-paint the double yellow center line on Alexandria Ave after it's paved. This is a 25mph residential street that has a high volume of commuter cut-through traffic. I contend the the double yellow center striping encourages speeding by giving drivers a false association with higher speed roads. It's also my observation that the center stripes seem to discourage some drivers from adequately clearing away from pedestrians and bikers also on that road due to no sidewalk or shoulder area when passing because these drivers think they cannot cross the double yellow stripes in this situation. I would at least push VDOT to explain its rationale for double striping some 25mph residential roads and not others. Thanks for the update and your advocacy about this!
    Ken P. (Tauxemont)
