
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Weekly Column: One Week To Go!

The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of March 1, 2020.
The second-to-last week of the General Assembly was very busy with many long sessions including one night where we were on the floor until after 1:00 a.m.

Two major firearms bills were sent to the Governor last week.  First, my legislation to authorize local governments to regulate firearms passed both chambers and is off to the Governor.  The bill will allow localities to regulate firearms in public buildings like government centers, police stations, libraries, community and recreation centers.  It will also allow regulation of parks and publicly permitted events such as farmer’s markets.

Localities have been requesting this authority for well over a decade and was further underscored after the shooting that occurred during the Charlottesville Unite the Right March and firearms rights activists open carrying AR-15’s at the City of Alexandria Farmer’s Market.  All entrances where firearms are restricted will be required to be marked with signage so that people will not be caught off guard.   

We also passed our “red flag” legislation that was patroned by Senator George Barker but that I helped to negotiate.  We patterned our legislation on a Florida law passed in 2018 that has resulted in thousands of firearms being removed from over 2,000 dangerous and mentally ill individuals.  I am hopeful it will help reduce mass shootings.

My legislation to prohibit drivers from operating their vehicles with a phone in their hand is on the Governor’s desk.  Driving injuries and deaths are rising in the United States for the first time in decades.  Pedestrian deaths hit a 30 year high in 2019 and 7 pedestrians have been killed in Fairfax County in the first two months of 2020.   Texting while driving is an epidemic, our current law is unenforceable, and this bill will hopefully help make our roads a safer place.

After a five-year fight, my legislation to lower proof burdens and raise consequences for vehicle drivers who injure cyclists and pedestrians passed the full house.  This legislation is called “vulnerable user” legislation and has passed in other states.  It also makes clear that cars cannot use marked bike lanes to pass other vehicles on the right which is a growing problem in the 36th District when cut through traffic becomes inpatient while using secondary roads.

My legislation to help “microwineries” passed the House with the help of Delegate Paul Krizek.  A local veteran and his wife started the Woodlawn Winery in the 36th District, but discovered that Virginia’s alcoholic beverage laws only allowed tastings of their product, but prohibit them from selling wine by the glass at their winery.  That will change effective July 1, 2020!

I also passed two bills to reform our child support laws.  First, one of my bills authorized a court to order a parent to help pay for the pregnancy and birth expenses of their child.  Today, those expenses can only be recovered if someone challenges paternity.  Second, we passed my bill to allow courts or the Virginia Department of Child Support Enforcement to withhold wages from independent contractors such as persons who work for Uber, Lyft or as realtors.  This will help to reduce Virginia’s $2 billion child support arrearages.

I also passed legislation to mostly prohibit homeowners and community associations from prohibiting electric vehicle chargers from being installed on owners’ property.  Several condominium associations have prohibited owners from installing chargers in their owned parking spots.  These bills are called “Right to Charge” bills and puts Virginia at the forefront of being electric vehicle-friendly.  

We hope to finish work this coming week on many majors bills and our state budget.  If you have any feedback, please send me an email at    


  1. Not impressed, most of this useless to your average citizen.

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