
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Fairfax County BRT/U.S. 1 Widening Update

Today, Fairfax County's Department of Transportation provided an update on the status of the U.S. 1 Bus Rapid Transit Project and U.S. 1 Widening.

Richmond Highway Widening Update

  • They have been developing responses to public comments
  • Incorporated minor design adjustments
  • Meeting with property owners
  • Working on right of way plans
  • Conducting title research
  • Design changes

    • Two way cycle tracks
    • Bridge features modified
    • Change from bridge to a pre-cast arch
    • Section adjustments to accomodate larger trees
    • Plaza designs at intersections
    • Raised driveways along U.S. 1
    • Reviewing viability of stormwater management facility enhancements

  • Schedule Revisions

    • Project has been delayed one year
    • Design approval in 2019 did not happen
    • FONSI planned in Fall, 2019 - didn't happen
    • ROW acquisition was supposed to start in Winter, 2019 and did not
    • ROW/Utility Relocation seems to be taking longer-6 years instead of 3.5 years

  • Design approval was expected but did not

    • Fairfax County has not approved design
    • Ongoing design features need to be resolved (stuff above) along with construction of BRT project with this
    • Approval was submitted in 11/19 but delayed due to a Title VI complaint that was initiated
    • VDOT did receive conditional design approval except for the Little Hunting Creek Underpass


    • They revised EIS for two underpasses
    • Submitted the revised Environmental Assessment and request for FONSI to FHWA to review in 11/19
    • In 11/19 notified of potential Title VI Complaint and FHWA put the review on hold pending the complaint
    • 2/20 VDOT held a public meeting with Harmony Place in Spanish
    • 5/20 FHWA has signalled that VDOT should move forward until receiving official notification of the Title VI complaint (they said move forward as if complaint doesn't exist)
    • It's not going to hold up the project any longer
    • Expecting to submit FONSI in Summer 2020 and approval in Fall 2020

  • Title VI issues

    • They are prohibited from discussing or sharing complaint in any detail
    • VDOT received the following complaints during the process that may be in the Complaint but they can't discuss:
      • During the public hearing, they received comment that the Little Hunting Creek underpass is a location for illicit activity
      • Gum Spring wants an overpass
      • VDOT isn't listening to Gum Springs
      • BRT Meeting
      • Gum Springs wanted Fordson Road intersection redesigned
    • South County Task Force Meeting people said road was too wide and unsafe to cross
    Current Anticipated U.S. 1 Right of Way Impacts

  • ROW Impacts as of today are in picture above

    • There are 172 partial acquisitions
    • In other projects they've had acquisitions where a single parcel can take up to 44 months 
    • We typically look at 18 months per mile for utility relocation so we're anticipating 24 months for utility relocation now  
    Revised U.S. 1 Widening Schedule

    • New Schedule has been revised based on FONSI
      • ROW will start in last 2021 and possibly go until 2025 
        • Utility relocations will begin in 2023
        • Construction would go to 2029
      • VDOT is working on phasing construction to speed up construction with a break near the Bestway
      • If project is broken up into two phases, we could start construction 18 months sooner and open to traffic 12 months sooner and could finish by 2028
      • By dealing with smaller portions of ROW we can get this done faster
    • We also might be able to speed this up by:
      • Meeting with utility companies sooner
      • Allow construction to start before utility relocation is complete 
      • Both runs up the risk of contractor claims and could result in higher bids due to increased risk
    • Project Funding
      • Current Funding Status for U.S. 1 Widening 
      • Estimate is unchanged today - $372M
      • We anticipate some changes with new features
      • We have $188M programmed and $183M short
      • Hoping to make that up with a $25M FHWA grant and NVTA funding  

    U.S. 1 BRT Briefing
    • Project Status
    • Rendering of FCDOT Future Stomwater Rention on U.S. 1
      • March, 2020 U.S. 1 BRT was accepted into the Federal Transit Administration's New Starts program
      • Hoping to fund 40% of the project this way
      • This gives us a two year window to complete NEPA preliminary engineering and management plans
      • FCDOT thinks that can be done faster than 2 years - probably by Fall 2021
      • The project will be Phased
        • Phase I is Huntington Metro to Gum Springs (end of the VDOT Project)
        • Phase II is Gum Springs to Fort Belvoir
      • Public Outreach has been going on by email blast and online presentations
      • FCDOT anticipates 30% of design plans being done by July 2020 
        • By keeping Fordson Road open, they had to separate the station platforms
      • Stormwater Management Approach
        • As of now we have 63 dry swells/bioretention areas, 11 wet ponds, maybe 3 underground tanks
    • Project Delivery
    • New FCDOT BRT Schedule
      • Legacy schedule was to deliver Phase I BRT by end of 2026 and Phase II by 2028
      • FCDOT has seen delays:
        • NEPA - Found historic properties
        • Federal shutdown delayed some document reviewed by the FTA
        • Utilities relocations will require additional time
        • Minimization options for Collard Street, Groveton Baptist, Fordson Road, Huntington Bus Loop, landscaping, etc. 
        • ROW - partial acquisitions were shifted to the design build contractor
        • Construction sequencing has caused a more realistic schedule
      • New Schedule is set forth to the right
        • Phase I done by early 2030
        • Phase II done by late 2030
        • FCDOT needs to talk to VDOT about new possible two-phase schedule for U.S. 1 widening
      • There are scheduling risks
        • Utility relocations
        • Schedules for adjacent projects (including Huntington Metro Redevelopment)
        • Possible hazmat issues
        • Agency coordination - FTA, DHR, etc. for NEPA sign off
        • Accommodation of private development
    • Stations 
    • Current Working Design - 10% Done
      Materials, Colors, etc. Still In Discussion
      • Station Architecture
        • Six Designs were shared with the Executive Committee 2/20 and 3/20
        • They've agreed on Option B with elements from Option C and E
        • Attempt was to incorporate local historical, cultural, institutional and natural resources into the station designs
      • They've been working through concepts
      • Current working design of the stations is in the pictures on the right 

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