
Friday, May 28, 2021

Investing in Southeast Fairfax Infrastructure

 Today, Delegates Kathy Tran and Paul Krizek joined me to submit a request to our federal
representatives for infrastructure investments in the U.S. 1 corridor. Please read our letter below.

We requested funding for undergrounding utilities on U.S. 1 and replacing the obsolete bridge on Old Colchester Road over Giles Run.

Our region has long suffered from underinvestment in crucial infrastructure that would spur private sector development and provide necessary access to services for our community. In the coming years, over $1 billion will be invested in the 36th District. The tide is beginning to turn but we have a long way to go. 

I am hopeful that the federal government will play a role by investing in these requests. Investments made today will pay dividends for the next generation of U.S. 1 residents and small business owners.

Earmark Request for U.S. 1 ... by Scott A. Surovell

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