The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, The Mt. Vernon Voice and Patch in the week of February 26, 2013.
The Final Week: U.S. 1 Funding
Secured and A Transportation Deal
This week, the General Assembly ended with a budget and two
major policy changes - a historic transportation bill and a Medicaid expansion
process that I will discuss next week.
The budget reported and now on the Governor’s desk contained
a $2 million line item to pay for a Tier I Study of U.S. 1 pursuant to the National
Environmental Policy Act that I’ve been fighting to secure for four years. This is the next legally required step
towards laying the groundwork for actual major improvements to U.S. 1 between Woodlawn
and I-495.
The transportation bill (HB2313) has statewide and local components.
The statewide component repeals the $0.175 gas
tax at the pump and replaces it with a 3.5% unleaded tax and 6.0% diesel tax on
wholesalers equal to about a $0.10-0.12/gallon tax at the pump.
To make up the lost $0.05/gallon, the legislation raises the
tax on car sales from 3% to 4.3%, raises the sales tax by 0.3% for the General
Fund netting $900 million over five years and then diverts $700 million from education,
public safety, health care and the safety net to the Transportation Trust Fund. The bill also enacted a new $100 fee on Virginia’s
91,000 hybrid vehicles on top of existing annual registration and clean fuel
license plate fees.
The bill also enacts three more taxes only for Northern
Virginia and Hampton Roads – a 0.7% sales tax, a 3% hotel tax, and a “regional
congestion relief fee” of $0.25 per $100 ($1,250 when you sell a $500,000 house). The first $300 million of these monies must
go to the Silver Line and all monies raised in the Northern Virginia District
must be spent on transportation improvements in Northern Virginia.
I voted no. While
there is no question we desperately need road funding, I saw this legislation
as an overly grotesquely complicated gimmick designed to obscure bad and prohibited
Our General Fund is starved.
Virginia is spending less on education today than it budgeted in the
2007 biennium. We have cut Virginia’s general
government services to the bone. This
legislation diverts over $1.5 billion from education, healthcare, public safety
and the safety net over a decade.
Balkanizing Virginia into regions of have’s and have not’s
is dangerous policy, illegal under the Constitution of Virginia, and
antithetical to the concept of a commonwealth which is premised upon addressing
statewide problems collectively and not regionally. We help with downstate schools and the rest
of the state helps with our roads.
But under this plan, even more General Fund monies are used to
fund more statewide needs (rural roads), plus we are now being asked to tax
ourselves to exclusively pay our own road needs instead of others around the
state pitching in. On top of that, future
regional tax decisions are now in the hands of 70 legislators outside of Northern
Virginia who can to leverage our region yet again. This is a step backwards and the exact reason
this type of scheme was prohibited in the Constitution of Virginia.
The $100 hybrid tax punishes virtuous behavior, bears zero
relationship to reduced road taxes paid, and disincentives energy independence.
Senator Ebbin and I have started a campaign to
encourage Governor McDonnell to veto this at
Moreover, none of this reforms the way that statewide transportation
revenue is disbursed. Northern Virginia is
still only worth 1/3rd of a person on the Commonwealth
Transportation Board, and during the floor debate, rural legislators bragged of
paying less for our roads under this plan than they do now.
While I respect the opinion of those who worked on and voted
for this legislation, I could not justify taxing consumer goods, appliances,
and clothing to pay for roads and transit, destroying Virginia’s 100-year nexus
between road use and revenue, and voting for legislation that I see as unconstitutional. These problems could all be solved without robbing
our schools, healthcare and public safety by a simple gas tax increase and
reform of transportation spending.
The Governor is likely to sign the bill and in year five, it
is estimated to generate about $1.4 billion per year – about 30% of what we
need by most estimates – if it survives court challenges. The revenue is needed, but there are better
means to that end.
This was a historic vote and I’m interested to hear your
feedback at
It is an honor to serve as your delegate.
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