
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Litter In Upper Little Hunting Creek

Trash and litter are a significant problem in the Route 1 Corridor.  I have blogged about this many times.
Most people would be shocked by the volume of trash flowing into these creeks if they actually saw it.  You can see pictures above and below.  One picture at the right was taken six months ago in Little Hunting Creek.

On April 14, 2012, the Alice Ferguson Foundation is sponsoring the Potomac River Cleanup Day.  The Friends of Little Hunting Creek are also sponsoring a cleanup.  I am going to sponsor a cleanup of the Upper Little Hunting Creek which runs between Janna Lee Apartments, Sequoyah Condominiums, Audubon Estates Trailer Park, Huntley Meadows Park, and starts around Mount Vernon Plaza behind Michaels near South Meadows Condominiums.

Today, I scouted out the section of creek looking for some good points to access the creek. You would be shocked at the amount of trash in the creek (pictures on the flip). 
All of this flows directly into the Potomac River.  My daughter and I counted hundreds of plastic bags, 25 shopping carts, hundreds of bottles, a table, a scooter, a mattress, countless tires, balls, fast food waste, a suitcase, etc.  I made a slideshow you can view below of the pictures I took today so you can get an idea of the amount of trash we are talking about - 100 volunteers couldn't clear this out.

Please click on the slideshow to enlarge the pictures.

In the meantime, if you would like to sign up to be part of my cleanup of this segment of creek, please sign up on the form below and I will let you know the locations once I have finalized access from property owners and clean up materials. 

I am probably going to work on this all day long on Saturday, April 14 starting at 10:30 AM +/- minus a soccer game I have to coach.

I've done this before with my children.  Young kids love to pick up trash and it's a great way to raise awareness among children.  Boy Scouts and Girl Scout Troops are welcome.

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