
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Walt Whitman Middle School's 50th Anniversary!

Tonight, I had the honor of attending the Walt Whitman Middle School 50th Anniversary celebration.  It was a great event.

Principal Jean Bell recapped the history of the school which was founded in 1961 on the site of the current Mount Vernon High School.  It moved to old Mount Vernon High School in 1973 and then into the former Stephen Foster Intermediate School (where I went) in 1985.

Famous alumni include Governor Bob McDonnell, successful author Matt Bondurant whose novel will be a Hollywood Movie this fall (The Wettest County in the World), and local powerhouse Lavern Chatman-Brown who was recently one of five women given the Women of Power Award by the National Urban League. 

In fifty years, the school has only seen five principals which is a rarity in Fairfax County.  Former Principal Otha Davis was in attendance and recapped his staff who made the school a special place.  He gave a special shout out to the custodial staff who he said shared special mentoring relationships with students.

Susan Allen attended and presented flag that had been flown over the U.S. Capitol for the school that she had requested when her daughter attended Walt Whitman shortly after 9-11.  She said the school will always have a special place in her heart. 

There was a full house in attendance and we finished the event off with a 10-minute photo collage and a reading of the General Assembly Joint Commending Resolution honoring Walt Whitman on it's 50th Anniversary.  It was a great event.

Here are some pictures in this article in Fort Hunt Patch.

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