
Monday, December 14, 2015

Announcing the Puller Institute!

At the beginning of her term, Former 44th District Delegate Kris Amundson created a program to engage area high school juniors and seniors in the General Assembly process. In 2012, I renamed the program the Amundson Institute to honor Delegate Amundson's innovative idea and passion for the project. 

I am excited to hand the Amundson Institute over to 44th District Delegate-Elect Paul Krizek and create a similar program further to the Virginia State Senate.  It is dedicated to Senator Toddy Puller and her twenty-four years of service to Northern Virginia in the State Senate and House of Delegates.

Similar to the Amundson Institute, the program will consist of six bright junior and senior high school students who live in the 36th District.  They will travel to Richmond, watch the legislative process at work in the Senate and House Chambers, Committee, meet with policy makers, and tour historic state facilities.

After returning, the students will each give a 10 minute presentation on a state policy proposal that relates to the 36th District. Some of my best legislative ideas have come from student projects!

Applicants should demonstrate strong leadership skills, a strong work ethic and an interest in their state government.

Application Deadline: December 30, 2015
Dates: Sunday, February 14 to Tuesday February 16

You can also read more and watch videos of several introductions of Amundson Fellow introductions on my blog here:
In previous years, students met with the Governor, Former Delegate Kris Amundson, Cabinet Secretaries, advocacy groups, along with various Delegates and Senate members. They will also have the opportunity to explore the General Assembly Building, the Capital, listen in on committee hearings and sit in during session itself.

As per usual, there will be NO cost to the student. Our office will handle all of the transportation, meals, daytime activities and sleeping arrangements. All the students have to do is enjoy the experience!

Please pass along this message and information to any outstanding young students that you believe would enjoy and benefit from this program.

Additionally. please contact my office at or at 571.249.4484 if you have any comments, questions or concerns regarding the Puller Institute.  I look forward to hearing from the young leaders of our area!

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