
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Winter Storm Watch for Wednesday, December 15: Here’s What You Need to Know

It’s that time of year again. Winter in Northern Virginia is often a surprising blend of chill winter weather and unseasonably warm temperatures. Occasionally, snow gets thrown into the mix. This Wednesday, we might be in for some potentially hazardous winter weather. Frozen mix precipitation is likely, and 2-4 inches of snow could accumulate in parts of the district. In light of this week’s forecast, I want to share some resources that you can use to ensure that you stay safe and informed during inclement weather.

Weather Updates 

Like with most weather forecasts, there’s a decent amount of uncertainty surrounding the conditions we might see on Wednesday. Some parts of the district might only get rain or freezing rain, while others might experience more severe forms of wintery participation. The National Weather Service is a great resource for monitoring weather conditions.

School Closures

Fairfax County School buildings will be closed tomorrow but school will operate virtually.

Click Here For Fairfax School Closures

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Sixth Annual Puller Institute - Applications are Open!


While the COVID-19 pandemic has caused the cancellation of many traditions, I'm pleased to announce that the 2021 Puller Institute will go ahead virtually this year.

Each year, the Puller Institute has allowed a small group of future leaders-- exceptional junior and senior high school students-- to explore their passions for creating change in the 36th district by engaging with the state legislative process. My hope is that this program inspires a lifelong interest in civic engagement from the participants. I grew up in this area and I graduated from West Potomac High School. I know that you have unique perspectives on local issues. The future of our democracy depends on young leaders like high school students who have the energy and passion for social change. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

River Farm Update #4 - Grassroots Group Forms, Gov Northam Weighs In & AG's Investigating

Here is the latest status update on River Farm. We have continued to have meetings among our stakeholder group working out a strategy to maximize the potential that River Farm will remain in public ownership. Here is what's going on. 

Grassroots Group Organized 
The Northern Virginia Conservation Trust (NVCT) has generously agreed to organize and lead a grassroots effort called Save River Farm to build support and raise private funds to support the purchase of River Farm by the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority (NVRPA). 

The new website is here - Save River Farm Website 

If you care about saving River Farm, it is important that you do two things right now: 

 #1 - Sign up for email updates from the new group: 

 #2 - Donate funds to help build private support. 80% of funds will be used for land acquisition, 10% for public advocacy, and 10% for administration. Donations are 100% tax deductible. 


Monday, November 2, 2020

Weekly Column: Legislators Revised the Budget to Address Many Needs

The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of November 2, 2020.

Legislators Revised the Budget to Address Many Needs

The General Assembly met over the last few months in a special session to finalize our state budget.  We had to revisit the budget because in the last week of our regular, winter session, the COVID-19 pandemic started to flare up, the shutdown began shortly after and the economic damage and uncertainty made it impossible to build a two-year budget. Governor Ralph Northam proposed amendments that the General Assembly approved in April putting all new spending on hold until we had reliable revenue estimates.  Two weeks ago, we approved a revised budget that takes a more modest approach than our original budget, but it still has some significant investments. 

First, we balanced our budget as required by the state constitution.  Second, the budget leaves over $1 billion unspent in reserves because of continued economic uncertainty.  It is a very fiscally prudent budget. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Weekly Column: Special Session Update #2 - Building Trust in our Police Officers

The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of October 25, 2020.

Building Trust in our Police Officers

                This column focuses on reforms to Virginia’s policing practices, legislation I helped craft with Senator Mamie Locke.  Last week, I reported on the criminal justice reforms that the Virginia General Assembly approved in our recent special session.   Next week, I will discuss changes in Virginia’s budget.

                The video capturing the chokehold and murder of George Floyd shocked America and was a painful example of abusive policing experienced by the African American community for too long.  These images galvanized a grassroots movement that demanded changes.  The General Assembly tried to respond with needed changes in our laws. 

Diverse Input Sought

                During the drafting process, I sought diverse views in at least a dozen meetings with state and local law enforcement leaders.  We held meetings with local officers on the street, community advocates, and heard testimony from national experts and state law enforcement leaders in a public hearing.  

Monday, October 19, 2020

Weekly Column: Special Session Session Summary #1: Criminal Justice Reform Delivered

The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of October 17, 2020.

Special Session Session Summary #1: Criminal Justice Reform Delivered

Last week, the General Assembly special session effectively ended.  Governor Ralph Northam called the session to adjust the budget after the economic harm caused by the COVID-19 crisis.  After George Floyd’s May 26, 2020 murder and citizens’ demands for change, we chose to broaden our work and focus on three areas: criminal justice, policing reform, and the budget.  I will address criminal justice reform this week, policing reform next week and the budget changes last.   

In early June, the Senate Democratic Caucus determined a limited focus on only policing would not address the bulk of harm inflicted by our criminal justice system.  We invited suggestions and created a committee of Senators to vet 150 ideas which we narrowed to 28 objectives and 11 bills.

First, we passed a racial profiling bill that prohibits police from stopping vehicles for violations arising out of subjective unverifiable judgments such as window tint or loud exhaust violations, and prohibited searches based on an allegation of marijuana odor in light of the decriminalization of marijuana last session.  This will reduce opportunities for racially-biased enforcement.   

Monday, October 5, 2020

Weekly Column: We Need a Better Redistricting Amendment

The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of October 4, 2020.

We Need a Better Redistricting Amendment

 Along with eliminating the Electoral College and reversing corporate contributions green-lighted by the Citizen’s United case, I consider the drawing of elected officials’ district lines to be one of the most significant, fundamental problems in American Democracy today. 

Question #1 on Virginia’s November 3 ballot is a proposed amendment to Virginia’s Constitution to create a decennial commission to establish districts for elected officials of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates in 2021 and into the future.  Our current system is flawed, but the proposed amendment is not the correct solution. 

The Redistricting Proposal

                Here is how the commission would work.  The U. S. Constitution and Constitution of Virginia requires the state legislature to redraw congressional districts and state legislative districts after each census.  The amendment would create the Virginia Redistricting Commission (VRC).  The VRC would have 16 members - eight state legislators and eight citizens.  The legislators would be equally split between the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates and further equally split between the majority and minority parties so that no party would have a majority.  The citizen members would be chosen by a panel of five retired Circuit Court judges from lists submitted by the majority and minority caucuses in each chamber of the legislature. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Virginia Lawyers Weekly Criminal Justice Reform Update

 Last week, I had the opportunity to sit down Peter Veith of Virginia Lawyers Weekly to discuss the status of the General Assembly Special Session and the status of Criminal Justice Reform in the session! 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

River Farm Update

Last week, I met with Supervisor Dan Storck, Senator Adam Ebbin, Delegate Paul Krizek, representatives from the offices of Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, Congressman Don Beyer, and the Fairfax County, the National Park Service (NPS), and Northern Virginia Regional Park Authorities (NVRPA), and the Mount Vernon Ladies Association (MVLA). The purpose was to discuss a strategy to preserve River Farm.

The NPS owns a conservation easement on the front two acres of the property closest to East Boulevard Drive.  The American Horticultural Society (AHS) donated a conservation easement of seven acres along the river to the Virginia Outdoors Foundation.  The remainder of the property appears to be unencumbered.  We have not been able to determine whether Ms. Haupt's gift to AHS contained a condition to keep the property open to the public, but if she did, such a restriction was not recorded in land records.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Weekly Column: Creating More Equitable Admissions Policies for Magnet Schools

The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of July 27, 2020.
Creating More Equitable Admissions Policies for Magnet Schools

               We need more equitable admissions practices in what are called “Governor’s Schools.”  Earlier this month, Governor Ralph Northam appointed me to a task force with about 20 other individuals including Secretary of Education Atif Qarni to examine equity within our Governor’s Schools System.  Governor’s Schools were created in 1973 to provide an intense, summer academic experience to high-achieving students and were later expanded to full-year programs, including Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) in Fairfax County which also serves Prince William and Arlington Counties.

              I have often expressed concerns about TJHSST’s admissions practices.  Very few children from eastern Fairfax or Prince William Counties are admitted.  When I reviewed data few years ago, fewer than five children had been admitted out of 125 applicants from Walt Whitman Intermediate School.  In the most recent freshman class, there were none or there were so few African American students admitted that Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) was prohibited from releasing the actual number.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

COVID-19 Update Thread

As you probably know, our region has confirmed multiple cases of COVID-19, the new coronavirus. The Virginia Department of Health has created a webpage dedicated solely to virus updates where you will find content that is updated daily. The CDC also has a dedicated website. 

If you are a healthcare professional evaluating a patient for suspected COVID-19, please contact your local health department immediately.

Here is a link to all of the Governor's Executive Orders:

As always, please reach out to my office at 571-249-4484 or if you have questions or ideas about things we can do to serve the community better. I will continue to add updates below.

***UPDATE MONDAY, 6/29/20 2:30 P.M.***

New Housing Assistance Program
The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) will administer the $50 million program through a variety of partners, including nonprofit organizations and local governments, which will receive upfront funds that they will distribute on behalf of eligible households. Individuals and families receiving funding will also be connected to housing counseling and receive other technical assistance.
Eligible households must demonstrate an inability to make rent or mortgage payments due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Monthly rent or mortgage must be at or below 150 percent Fair Market Rent (FMR), and eligible households must have a gross household income at or below 80 percent of area median income (AMI).

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Fairfax County BRT/U.S. 1 Widening Update

Today, Fairfax County's Department of Transportation provided an update on the status of the U.S. 1 Bus Rapid Transit Project and U.S. 1 Widening.

Richmond Highway Widening Update

  • They have been developing responses to public comments
  • Incorporated minor design adjustments
  • Meeting with property owners
  • Working on right of way plans
  • Conducting title research
  • Design changes

    • Two way cycle tracks
    • Bridge features modified
    • Change from bridge to a pre-cast arch
    • Section adjustments to accomodate larger trees
    • Plaza designs at intersections
    • Raised driveways along U.S. 1
    • Reviewing viability of stormwater management facility enhancements

  • Schedule Revisions

    • Project has been delayed one year
    • Design approval in 2019 did not happen
    • FONSI planned in Fall, 2019 - didn't happen
    • ROW acquisition was supposed to start in Winter, 2019 and did not
    • ROW/Utility Relocation seems to be taking longer-6 years instead of 3.5 years

  • Design approval was expected but did not

    • Fairfax County has not approved design
    • Ongoing design features need to be resolved (stuff above) along with construction of BRT project with this
    • Approval was submitted in 11/19 but delayed due to a Title VI complaint that was initiated
    • VDOT did receive conditional design approval except for the Little Hunting Creek Underpass

    Monday, May 18, 2020

    Weekly Column: Where Should the NVTA Spend $500 Million of Your Money?

    Where Should the NVTA Spend $500 Million of Your Money?

                  Now is the time to help direct transportation funds to our community.

     For 27 years, between 1986 and 2013, Virginia did not raise its transportation taxes.  While labor, steel, asphalt and concrete got more expensive and cars became more fuel efficient, gas tax revenues declined.  During those years, Virginia stopped repaving roads and other maintenance to fund road construction.  In 2013, the General Assembly passed new taxes to restore highway maintenance funding and we passed new regional taxes to fund regional transportation construction through the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA). 

                    The 36th Senate District has benefitted from these taxes in projects like US 1/Richmond Highway widening (design and land acquisition), U.S. 1/Dumfries widening (design and land acquisition), U.S. 1 bus rapid transit (design), U.S. 1 at Featherstone widening, $80 million in Virginia Rail Express improvements, a new CSX bridge crossing of US. 1 at I-95 and Old Bridge Road/Occoquan Road intersection reconstruction.

    Saturday, May 16, 2020

    Comment on Regional Transportation Funding Today

                The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) has published its rankings for its next Six-Year Plan Update to fund $522 million of projects over the next six years.

                The NVTA plans its projects in a six-year plan every two years.  Local governments and other entities nominate projects for funding.  It uses objective criteria to rate projects based on congestion relief, economic development, pollution reduction and safety with congestion relief getting the highest weight.  This ranking is named after the bill that authorized it – HB599.  

                 After projects are scored, the score is divided by the funding request so that we can see which projects give our region the biggest bang for the buck.  As you can see in the table below, this means that while some projects scored very well – such as the U.S. 1 widening – after you consider the cost, their relative ranking dropped substantially.  

                 There are $404 million in seven projects at risk in the 36th Senate District at-risk:

    36th District Submitted Project List
    Comment Deadline May 24, 2020 
    Overall Rank
    HB599 Rank
    Annapolis Drive U.S. 1/VA-123 Connection
    Connect Annapolis Drive between U.S. 1 and VA-123
    Widen U.S. 1 Thru Town of Dumfries
    Widen and realign U.S. 1 through Town of Dumfries to construct new boulevard, construct sidewalks and paths.
    Summit School Rd. Extension & Telegraph Rd. Widening
    Connect Telegraph Road to Minnieville Rd via Summit School Drive to bypass Potomac Mills Mall.
    U.S. 1/Richmond Highway Bus Rapid Transit
    Construct bus rapid transit from Huntington Metro to Fort Belvoir
    VRE Woodbridge Station Improvements
    Construct new passenger platform for new third rail. 
    Extend Van Buren Road from VA-234 to Cardinal Drive
    Planning funds for new road between VA-234 and Cardinal Drive.
    U.S. 1/Richmond Highway Widening Hybla Valley to Fort Belvoir
    Widen U.S. 1 to six lanes, new sidewalks, multiuse paths, and reserve space for BRT from Fort Belvoir to Hybla Valley.
    PWC Parkway & Old Bridge Intersection Rebuild
    Realign intersection to create more seamless PWC Parkway.

    Please provide me your comments using the two forms below.  I have include links to information about the projects and the project rankings at the top of the form if you want to investigate further.

    I will be submitting all comments to the NVTA before May 24, 2020.

    Monday, May 11, 2020

    Weekly Column: Battling the Coronavirus - Efforts Must Be Expanded

    The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of May 11, 2020.
    Battling the Coronavirus - Efforts Must Be Expanded

    It has been four months since the Centers for Disease Control confirmed the first case of coronavirus disease, called COVID-19, in the United States.  As of May 11, over 800 Virginians have died, 3,200 hospitalized and over 25,000 Virginians have tested positive for this virus.  Only about 1.7% of Virginians or 147,000 have been tested.  Our hospitalization rate has continued to climb with over 1,500 people currently in the hospital.  The rate of infection has slowed, but this virus has hit our community very unevenly.
                    While nearly every Virginia locality has seen infections, infections have mostly been concentrated.  While Northern Virginia has the highest raw number of infections, outbreaks on Virginia’s Eastern Shore, Shenandoah Valley and Northern Neck are proportionally more severe than they are here.  Several of our prisons, local jails and juvenile detention facilities have experienced outbreaks and four inmates being held for non-violent offenses have died. 
    Disproportionate Impacts
                    The Hispanic community has been disproportionately, adversely affected. Neighborhood Health operates a clinic on U.S. 1 on Beacon Hill.  Although only 50% of their patients are Latino, 90% of their positive tests have been Latinos and 74% of those tested lack health insurance.  The Northern Virginia zip codes with the highest concentrations of positive tests also have largest numbers of Latino residents including the U.S. 1 Corridor, Manassas, Herndon, and Bailey’s Crossroads.  

    Monday, April 27, 2020

    Weekly Column: Serving During the Pandemic

    The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of April 27, 2020.
    Serving during the Pandemic
     Last week, the General Assembly returned to Richmond for what was probably one of the most unusual sessions we will ever have.   We convened for one day to consider the Governor’s vetoes of and amendments to the bills and budget we passed earlier in the year.
                    The Senate met in the Virginia Science Museum.  The House of Delegates met in a tent on the Virginia State Capitol lawn.  Men did not wear ties because we were told they are germ magnets.  The Senate clerk gave all Senators masks and gloves.  I wore a bandana mask and a bolo made with a Virginia quarter that I bought for the occasion. 
    Each Senator sat at tables 10 feet apart in order of seniority which put me in about the middle of the room.  Senator George Barker sat in a plexiglass box due to recent heart surgery.  The clerk provided box lunches and we were prohibited from touching the drink cooler.  We caucused in outdoor tents with chairs scattered six feet apart. The whole day was surreal.

    Thursday, April 16, 2020

    Tuesday, April 14, 2020

    Weekly Column: Good News & Bad News in Governor's Amendments

    The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of April 12, 2020.

    Good News & Bad News in Governor's Amendments

                    On Sunday, Governor Northam signed the remaining bills that were pending for action, proposed 140 amendments to the state budget, and also 101 amendments to bills.   As of today, the plan is for the House of Delegates to meet outdoors and the Senate of Virginia to meet in a tent behind the Virginia Science Museum in Richmond next Wednesday at noon for our “Veto Session.” 

                    First, the good news for our area.  The language requiring the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transit to study extending the Blue Line to Lorton, Woodbridge and Potomac Mills is still in the budget.  In addition, the authority and appropriations to fund the Prince William County Public Defender’s Office is still in the budget and cannot be amended further at this point.

    Tuesday, April 7, 2020

    Weekly Column: State Legislature Must Make Tough Decisions

    The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of April 5, 2020.

    State Legislature Must Make Tough Decisions
    Instead of reporting on the accomplishments of the General Assembly’s 2020 session, in recent weeks I have chosen to provide information about the COVID-19 crisis and its impacts.  The worldwide coronavirus pandemic is likely to change much of what state legislators passed earlier this year.  Many measures are in limbo, especially the state’s budget.  The legislature will reconvene on April 22 to consider budget changes and vetoes that Governor Ralph Northam may propose. 
    This week, Governor Northam announced that he is putting all new spending in the state’s new two-year budget on hold.  Therefore, it appears that when we reconvene, we will consider proposed amendments to implement his proposals, pending economic analyses, projections and decisions on how the state can use the $3 billion in federal stimulus dollars.

    Tuesday, March 31, 2020

    Weekly Column: Stay At Home!

    The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of March 29, 2020.
    Stay At Home!
                    The last two weeks brought us two executive orders and one consistent message from our Governor – Stay.  At.  Home.
    Last week, Governor Northam issued an order extending school closures, closing all entertainment and personal care venues and businesses, and restricting access at certain non-essential businesses.  This Monday, the Governor further restricted public gatherings after Virginians continued to appear in large groups at the beaches and a few restaurants.  
    It is important to understand that this disease can be transmitted before carriers develop symptoms.  It also appears to transmit without physical contact.  The majority of individuals diagnosed with this virus are under age 50.  While people under 50 tend to be less at risk for death, if one person under 50 infects 20 other people, the chain of transmission ultimately results in more deaths.  Continuing to socialize with others is incredibly selfish.

    Friday, March 27, 2020

    2020 36th District Paving Maps

    VDOT will repave over 100 lane miles in the 36th District portions of eastern Fairfax, Prince William, and Stafford Counties this summer. The entire map of roadwork for the 2020 summer paving season can be viewed at

    This work is only made possible by tax increases passed in the 2013 transportation bill - HB2313. I voted for the 2013 transportation bill as a State Delegate after a significant reduction of the Hybrid Tax. Though it was not perfect, the 2013 bill provided the revenues necessary to restart road maintenance that had been put on hold for two years.  We had not raised transportation taxes in 28 years and we are continuing to dig out of the maintenance backlog. Re-paving these streets is long overdue.

    In Virginia, all public roads are owned and maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).  Our local governments play no role in road maintenance.

    Several of the affected neighborhoods in the 36th District are Villamay, Wellington, Marumsco, Woodbridge, Colby Drive, Spriggs Road and Widewater. Maps by neighborhood can be seen below.
    Rippon-area paving scheduled for 2020
    Mt. Vernon paving scheduled for 2020

    Widewater paving scheduled for 2020
    Montclair paving scheduled for 2020

    Occoquan/Lakeridge Paving Scheduled for 2020

    Monday, March 23, 2020

    Weekly Column: Virginia's Actions To Address the COVID-19 Crisis

    The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of March 22, 2020.
                   This week, I  had planned to write about some of the major bills that we  passed in the 2020 session of the General Assembly, but in light of the coronavirus risk and its impacts, I decided that updating the community on the Commonwealth’s responses is a priority.  Here is where things stand as of Sunday, March 22. Please keep in mind this will be published later and things change daily.

                Multiple websites offer guidance and updates on the coronavirus and how to address it.  The state’s website is and I post daily updates on my blog,

                    I have spent most of the entire week home with my family like many other people.  My law firm decided to remain open with a skeleton crew, four people versus 30 in the office every day, until further notice.  I had my shift on Friday.  Otherwise, I worked on my constituents’ problems and my legal responsibilities from home and had some quality family time.   

    Thursday, March 19, 2020

    COVID-19 Public Schools Meals Distribution in 36th District

    All of our local school systems are distributing meals to children during the school shutdown.  There are over a dozen sites in the 36th District.  

    Here are how you find the locations in Fairfax, Prince William and Stafford County:

    Please let us know if you have any problems or require any further information.   

    Tuesday, March 17, 2020

    Weekly Column: COVID-19 and Our New State Budget

    The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of March 15, 2020.
    COVID-19 and our New State Budget

                   On Thursday, we passed the Senate Budget and nearly as soon as it was passed, the Corona-19 Virus situation exploded.  While this virus crisis is unprecedented, our budget was well-structured and balanced as required by our constitution, and we are prepared for a recession.

                   Virginia has its largest cash reserves in the history of the Commonwealth – over $2 billion.  We have been building this reserve both because of constitutionally required deposits to our Revenue Reserve or “Rainy Day” Fund, but also because analysts have been warning us about a likely recession for years even though until last week, we were in the longest economic expansion in American history.

                   Our outside bond rating agencies have been warning us that much of American economic growth has been generated by government stimulus versus underlying solid economic fundamentals.  For example, the Trump Tax cuts from 2017 and additional federal government spending accounted for about 1.1% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product over the last three years.  Some of Virginia’s productivity was generated by the $1 billion annually invested through Medicaid Expansion.

    Monday, March 9, 2020

    Weekly Column: The 2020 General Assembly: 39 Surovell Bills Passed

    The following is my column that will appear in the Mt. Vernon Gazette, Springfield Connection, The Prince William Times, The Fort Hunt Herald, and Potomac Local in the week of March 8, 2020.
    The 2020 General Assembly:  39 Surovell Bills Passed
     The 2020 General Assembly finished work on all legislation this past Sunday, except we did not pass a final state budget or elect new judges to fill vacancies.  We will return to Richmond on Thursday, March 13, to complete that work and adjourn for this year.
                    This was my most successful session in passing bills in my eleven years in the General Assembly.  The legislature sent 39 of my bills to Governor Ralph Northam.  We carried over nine bills and  referred them to study commissions.  The legislature also carried over my legislation to abolish the death penalty to be potentially considered over the summer. 
                    I will highlight some of the other major bills we passed and discuss more bills and the budget in future columns.